Friday, May 15, 2009

Nikon D90 + Nikon 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6G IF-ED AF-S VR DX + Lowepro Flipside 200

蹬蹬蹬蹬。。。新相机买了都要三个星期了。。。终于才有空为它拍照。。。隆重介绍,Nikon D90 + Nikon 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6G IF-ED AF-S VR DX Lens。



My Nikon D90

My Nikon D90

My Nikon D90

My Nikon D90

Lowepro Flipside 200
昨天才刚收到了相机的backpack。才真正让相机有一个家。我做了相当长一段时间的功课,才决定买下它。照片上看起来还蛮大个的,但我嫌里面的空间有点小。装下D90+18-200mm VR,也就只能放进一个到两个镜头,和一个flash。。。我有点担心,如果以后买多以个Battery grip的话,可能会放不进去。。。
君说,够用就好。。。我想也是吧。。。都已经没有钱再买器材了。。。现在暂时是够用吧。。。况且,要带出门的,还是以方便为主。。。Flipside 200带出门就很方便。。。

Lowepro Flipside 200

Lowepro Flipside 200 + a cheap, crappy tripod.

There are still 3+1 compartment after the D90 body + 18-200mmVR. I put the battery charge in the smallest compartment. There are still space for 1 or 2 lens + 1 external flash.

1) D90 body: ~USD 900
2) Nikon 18-200mm VR lens: ~USD 690
3) 72mm Hoya UV filter: ~USD 13
4) 4GB SDHC Class 6:~USD9
5) Lowepro flipside 200: ~USD50

(有一些items有MS cashback。。。折扣也不多,但好过没有。。。)


Anonymous said...

Hi old friends, how are you doing? happen to browse through my archive and saw this link to your blog. Its a great blog, a lot of Infomation, looks like urs active blogger.

Btw congrat for ur wedding. Hope ur doing well. Send my rgs for ur family.

Yee Chan

Chee Huei's Blog 祺辉的部落格 said...

Hi Yee Chan,
Thank you so much for your message here...
Ya, I write and post my photograph in my blog here and Flickr, especially when I have a homesick here...
You are welcome to come to my blog... I will keep myself updated...

Hope you are doing well too...
I miss all my friends in Malaysia... Do keep in touch!

Chee Huei