Saturday, February 16, 2008





最近自己弄了一个网站,放在学校的server里面。。。5月回家有空可以慢慢搞。。。凭着以前玩过web page的经验,要做一个普通但像样的网站应该不会太难的。。。有许多software可以用,不需要太多专业技巧。。。。

Dr. Yap要的文章还没有完成。。。只进行到一半。。。以前写评论就真的觉得不容易了,现在写科学文章更是困难,每一个字,每一个句子都要有参考文献作为依据(当然不是抄袭)。。。也就是说,写每一个句子之前,至少先要看几篇papers,才有办法下手。。。写review真的是要常年累月的研究,不断跟上别人步伐,真正了解特定的领域,才能写出好的review。。。临时的恶补所写出来的,人家一看就知道有多少分量。。。话说回来,能有机会写review其实也不容易,不管怎样,也只能尽力了。。。

三月的APS meeting就要来了,刚才一整天就在搞着poster。。。hoho,终于有机会的看看外面的世界,和那听说超级无敌大型的conference了。。。

回家的机票已经搞定。。。很期待。。。刚去Chicago吃了dim sum、烧腊、蛋塔、tomyam、豆腐花,在Malaysia可说是随手可得啊。。。这里又是一个鸟不拉屎的地方,怪不得有人会说在这里会被闷死了。。。

哈哈,现在回头看看,2008年我的tranvel很多耶。。。2007 Christmas的时候就租了车去Marquette走一走,二月新年去了Chicago,三月去New Orlean,5月回家。。。今年要多更努力了,这样明年才会有更多出门的机会。。。。

前几天收到了一封参加Phi Kappa Phi的邀请函。。。Department chair之前有跟我提过。。。努力有一点受到肯定,我还是觉得很高兴的。。。虽然这件事也不怎么值得拿来炫耀,但是自己还是感到很光荣。。。也不知道学校有多少人被选上,4月有一个initiation,到时候就知道了吧。。。每年会有大约3万人被选入会员。。。根据网上的资料,被邀请的研究生至少要是top 10%的表现。。。我想这应该不只是Physics Department,而是全校的top 10%吧。。。

这是Phi Kappa Phi的官方网站。。。

Induction into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi is considered as one of the highest and most prestigious forms of individual academic achievement for graduates of land-grant and public colleges or universities.

Phi Kappa Phi's mission is "to recognize and promote academic excellence in all fields of higher education and to engage the community of scholars in service to others." In pursuit of this mission, the society awards more than $700,000.00 in national and local scholarships annually, as well as grants and graduate fellowships. Phi Kappa Phi awards the largest amount of scholarships and fellowships of any college honor society in the world today.

Phi Kappa Phi is unique among honor societies in that it recognizes scholastic achievement in all fields of study, rather than restricting its membership to a specific and limited discipline. It extends its interest and eligibility across the entire range of subject matter of the modern university, and by so doing, calls attention to the fact that the world needs a breadth of understanding far beyond that of specialists who restrict their outlook to their specialties. This policy becomes one of the unifying forces which brings members of the campus together, especially at large institutions.

Phi Kappa Phi fosters community service and leadership through its grants for local and national literacy initiatives, promotion of excellence grants, and training and leadership opportunities available to its membership.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

