Saturday, May 05, 2007






能追逐更高的知识境界是很美好的,我很珍惜这样的机会,因为我经过艰辛的过程。所以我知道为何我要来这里,为什么我会在这里。I know why I am here,所以更珍惜学习的机会。



The translated article below is to train my English writing:

There are many social issues arising recently in Malaysia, e.g. the Machap and Ijok by-election, corruption, inflation, Tol, Anwar Ibrahim, Mandarin education, etc.

I’m very disappointed with the social development in Malaysia. Our politic system is still polluted by the racial politic after the 50 years of independence.

People don’t care about any corruption issue. If our constituencies can be suborned simply by RM50. I can foresee how Malaysian future is.
I’m sad to see the dirty election in Malaysia. Barisan National abuses the national resources for their own politcal benefit, but our constituencies do not show their anger and reject its candidate. I don’t mean to blame Barisan National because they use the ”right” approbated by the people to run for. People take this behavior, but neglect the morality and the noble value of democracy. I’m worry about the quality of the people and the future of Malaysia. I’m sad and disappointed that I cannot be proud of my people and the democratic system of my country.
A friend envied I can be now in US, making an American dream to come true. He even suggested me to stay in US and do not come back to Malaysia again. I appreciate his advice, but his words also make me unease. What’s wrong with the society which is not able to keep its people staying there?
I should insist that I come to US because of Physics. I come here to learn Physics. I don’t know and no interest to know what the American dream is. Many people around the world are looking for a better life in US. People regard US as the center of the world. May be they are all right, but this is not why I am here.

It is a tough decision to leave my family and my lover so far away. Though I have friends and I am not really alone here, after all here is not my home. I wish my friends and my family understand my intention of being in US.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Dear Chee Huei,

I am impressed by reading your blog, especially this piece that I particularly commented on.

I am glad to know your ultimate objective of being in US.

I totally agree with you that most Malaysians (especially non-bumiputra) cant see their future of being in homeland. Why cant our home country retain people who are be able to contribute? Is our country able to rebuild her people's trust? Or has our country ever tried to rebuild? I have not seen a clue as at to-date.

Best regards,

P/S : May I suggest you to delete this sentence "BN abuses... candidate" which might be bringing you troubles.